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Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word is A word processing package with which you can write letters, produce leaflets, memos, notes, in fact anything that includes text (writing). It is ideal for text but not for graphics, when you try placing pictures on the page as you would when you try producing web pages you find that they jump about from one place to another, from page to another, it's sooooooo frustraing and time consuming.

I have come to the conclusion that Microsoft wrote an excellent text editor and bolted on the graphics capability without really intergrating it into the text editor and therefor is a bit of a hit and miss affair. For web page design, you will be better off using a package that's designed for it such as Dreamweaver (which this web site is done in) or if it's cost you are thinking about becaus ethey don't come cheap, there are some good shareware or even freeware ones out there on the Internet.

This is just an introduction to the main items of the Wordprocessor, enough to get you started and feel comfortable with it. Clicking on the links below will take you to a relevant tutorial.


Opening Word Creating a word document Formatting text Formatting paragraphs Indentation
Page properties Changing fonts Tabs Cut / Copy / Paste Bold / Underline / Italics
Tables Spell checking / grammar Insert Menu Change the colour of text Web Pages


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