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Bold, Underline and Italics

These are the most common ways of adding emphasis to your documents, for example I have emboldened the title on this page so that it stands out from the rest of it. I could also underline the title to make it more noticeable and I could put a phrase, saying or section of text in italics to show that it is someone eles's work.

Text is highlighted (selected) in the following way:

1. Place the mouse pointer, (in a text document it wouold more than likely be an I cursor) just before the first letter of the text to change

2. Press and hold down the left mouse button

3. Whilst keeping the left mouse button pressed drag your mouse to the end of the text you wish to change

4. Release the left mouse button.

Example of emboldened text
Example of italicised text
Example of underlined text

This is how to embolden text:

1. Select the section of text you wish to embolden (see above for how to do this)

2. Click on the B button, it is found on the tool bar next to the I button and before the font size box

3. The selected text will now be emboldened as shown on the right

How to italicise text:

1. Select the section of text you wish to italicise (see above for how to select text)

2. Click on the I button, found between the B button and the U button

3. The section of text you selected should now be Italicised (sloping to the right slightly)as shown in the example on the right

How to underline text

1. Select the text you wish to underline (see above for how to do this)

2. Click on the Underline button found between the I button and the left align button

3. The text you selected will now be underlined as shown in the example on the right



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