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Changing the Colour of Text

Sometimes colour can add life and interest to a document and used right it can enhance your documents a lot. maybe you are advertising your local flower show, changing the colour of the Title text could make it more eye catching and appealing. Changing the colour of text is done in the following way:

You can highlight (select) text in the following way:

1. Place the mouse pointer (which will look like a blinking I bar) just before the first letter of the paragraph you wish to format. In the examples below I placed the Ibar just before the V in Venus

2. Press and hold down the left mouse button

3. Whilst holding down the left mouse button, drag the mouse pointer (now an I bar) to the end and just after the last letter of the paragraph(s) you wish to change the colour of.

Slected text and text colour box

1. Highlight (select) the text you wish to change the colour of (see above for how to do this)

2. Click on the small A button on the right-hand side of the tool bar as shown in the example above and you will see the colour pallette, click on a coloured square and your text will change to that colour.

Custom Colour dialogue box

3. If you wish to use a colour of your choice then click on the button labelled More Colors and another colour dialogue box will pop on to the screen. Clicvk on the Custom tab and you will see the colour dialogue box shown on the right.

4. Move the Small cross with the mouse pointer around the coloured bands until you see the colour you want (the colours will be reflected in the colour box at the bottom right of the dislogue box(, you can also move the pointer at the side of the box up to lighten the colours and back down ot darken the colours, or all you will ever see is black in the box at the bottom right.

5. After selecting the colour you wish your text to be, click on the OK button and the text you selected will turn into that colour.



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