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Options - Send

Options Send Tab

This tab gives you access to various settings that tell Outlook Express what to do after you sent an e-mail. The main options are:

** Save a copy of the sent message to the Sent Items folder - Checking this will save a copy of any e-mail you send in the sent items folder. Unchecking this option will mean that any e-mails you send will not be copied or saved and the original has gone.

** Send messages immediately - This makes Outlook send any e-mails straight after you click on the Send button, unchecking this means that e-mails you send could be waiting in the Outbox until you click on the Send/Receive button

** Automatically put people I reply to in my address book - This is handy in that if you reply to an e-mail, the sender of that e-mail will automaically be placed in the address book and saves you haveing to enter all the data for that person manually.

** Include message in reply - This will leave the original message in the e-mail so that the person who sent it can peruse it and know what the e-mail is about. Unchecking this will not include the original e-mail content in your reply and you are effectively creating a new e-mail.

** Mail sending format - This is the format, either HTML (like web pages) or plain text (like a letter) are sent in and the appropriate setting for these accessed through the relevant buttons.

** News sending format - Again, this is similar to that for e-mails but for news messages you send to news groups. News groups are explained here.


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