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Saving a Graphic

Save Drawing dialogue box (comes up the first time you save)

As with all things computer related we can never save our work enough times and Corel draw is no exception. There are two ways to save a drawing, saving or exporting. Both methods are described below:

To Save a Drawing

Click on the File menu button and select Save or Save as


Click on the small picture of the diskette on the standard bar

Either way, the first time you save anything you will see the standard windows Save Drawing dialogue box shown on the right.

You select which folder you wish to save your drawing in, this is shown in the box at the top, clicking on it will give you a list of different places you can save the drawing on your computer.

The large window in the middle lists all the files in the folder you select

The file name box contains the file name, in the example I haven't given the file a name so it defaults to a standard graphic1.cdr

In the drop down list below this you can see a list of all the file types picture types) you can save the drawing in, usually you will leave it at CDR.

After selecting the location of your file, type in a name in the filename box thewn click on the Save button in the top right-hand corner of the dialogue box.

To Export a Drawing

Export Drawing Dialogue Box

There will be times when you need to save your drawings in a file type other than those you can by default, for example, I only use *.GIF's and *.JPG's when doing web sites and I can't save them in that format through the Save or Save as function so I need to export them.

In order to export a drawing you need to click on the File menu button and select Export from the resulting menu.

You will then see an Export dialgue box similar to that shown on the right.

Clicking on the top box will give you a drop down list of all the places you can export the drawing to on your computer.

The large window in the middle lists all the files in that location

The file name box holds the name of your file

The files of type box will drop down a list of file types that you can export your drawing in.

Just find a location on your disk for the file, give it a name and click on the Export button in top right-hand corner of the dialogue box.


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